
How To Reduce File Size In Illustrator

How to reduce huge PDF files generated from Photoshop and Illustrator

Dean Cook • Oct 19, 2020

Adobe'due south Photoshop and Illustrator are just a couple of the preferred programs used by designers to create adverts for magazines. However, we are often supplied with large data PDF files saved from these programs. Information technology can certainly enhance a few eyebrows equally it tin can increment concerns virtually the file's technical stability for commercial printing because issues can even so arise — and sometimes when it's too belatedly to practise annihilation about it. Here nosotros prove y'all how the file size can be reduced.

A characteristic found in these programs will not simply omit background editable features when the document is saved, but it will likewise optimise the PDF better for commercial press and reduce the file size, making it easier to send the artwork on for print.

And so how practise you reduce and optimise PDF file sizes from Photoshop or Illustrator for onward use? In Photoshop, merely uncheck 'Preserve Photoshop Editing Capabilities' while in Illustrator, uncheck 'Preserve Illustrator Editing Capabilities' in the 'Save Adobe PDF' dialogue box (under 'options').

Deselecting this check box could reduce a 40Mb file to merely 2Mb as it omits any data that's non required in the output. It will likewise remove many common issues encountered with publications receiving PDF files initially saved from these programs.

Keep the original file

Information technology won't touch your original file equally long as yous have kept a separate native PSD/AI version for future editing. Alternatively, choosing a 'Standard' at the tiptop of the dialogue box volition automatically turn this selection off.

For commercial press, we export using PDF/X-4 which has given usa issue-gratuitous files for many years. It's worth just creating a preset for commercial press, and then yous don't have to set the features every single fourth dimension.

Then going through the dialogue box, just set the following:

When you're all done, click on the little icon in the far top correct-hand corner and call your setting 'Commercial Print PDF X1' and and then yous're proficient to go.

Next time you want to create a PDF, brand sure the Adobe PDF Preset at the summit of the dialogue box shows' Commercial Print PDF X4'

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 #optimisepdf #optimizepdf

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